About us

  Established in 1996, our institution stands as a testament to the passage of time. In the domain of stainless and steel wire ropes and riggings, our firm has positioned itself as a steadfast participant,         originating from the expansive landscape of China.


 Without a doubt, our foundation rests on innovation, solidifying our status as a guiding light in the field. We maintain an unwavering focus on both technological and managerial advancement, in line with our role as a pioneer. In 2008, a significant financial commitment resulted in the creation of a modern hub for steel wire rope production. This effort also yielded positive outcomes, including the establishment of the Jiangsu Province Technical Engineering Center, the Jiangsu Province Stainless Steel Rope Institute of Technology, the Jiangsu Enterprise Technology Center, and the upcoming Jiangsu Province Enterprise Technology Center.


 The fusion of academic and industrial expertise has been a fundamental aspect, as has the nurturing of top-tier professionals. In 2011, a pivotal moment arrived with the signing of a collaborative agreement with Liaoning Northeastern University. This partnership aimed to usher in a new era of high-performance, corrosion-resistant steel wire rope. Guiding this endeavor was the esteemed originator of stainless steel wire rope, a national figure, who now holds the role of a technical engineer within our organization.


 In 2007, we achieved the IS9002 Quality System Certification, marking the pinnacle of our pursuit of excellence. Furthermore, our attention is now directed towards obtaining the 14001-2004 Environment System Certification. The name "Steel Wire Rope" has gained recognition, solidifying its position as a renowned trademark in the history of Jiangsu city. The aspiration to attain the distinction of a Jiangsu well-known trademark marks the next phase of this narrative. Our journey has been punctuated by consistent affirmation and endorsement from esteemed national authorities.


 The growth story of our establishment is woven from the unity of industry experts and the wisdom of scholars. The transformation of innovation into tangible productivity underscores our rapid progress. Each achievement further validates our standing as a model within the realm of Chinese national brands.



Contact: Bonny Zhu

Phone: +8613854893387

E-mail: info@stainless-wire-rope.net

Add: Wanda plaza, Taian City, Shandong Province,China

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